The CVPDO is funded by a grant from the Texas Indigent Defense Commission (“TIDC”); and, the CVPDO’s budget is approved by the Commissioners’ Court. The San Angelo office covers Coke, Concho, Irion, Runnels, Schleicher, Sterling, and Tom Green counties. The Abilene Office covers Callahan, Coleman, Jones, Shackelford and Taylor Counties.
The CVPDO has a nine-member Oversight Board that has representatives from each of the seven counties where the CVPDO provides legal representation. The Oversight Board meets quarterly and consists of the following individuals:
· Tip Hargrove, Attorney, Tom Green County
· Dr. Brenda Norton, Professor, Angelo State University, Tom Green County
· Sammy Farmer, Commissioner, Tom Green County
· Ezra Walling, Principal, Eldorado Middle School, Schleicher County
· Brandon Poehls, Commissioner, Runnels County
· Jeff Davidson, Commissioner, Irion County
· Ross Copeland, Commissioner, Coke County
· Dwain Psencik, Attorney, Concho County